mercoledì 15 dicembre 2010

The Italian Training Centre for Reiki Operators' Blog
Welcome to ReikiLife Cifor Blog
ReikiLife an intense year of Reiki
Reiki 2009-2010: The best moments spent at the Italian Training Centre for Reiki Operators. 
An intense year with the operators under the banner of Reiki and wellness.
Thanks to those who offered their cooperation and contribution in order to make the last year's course so rich in intense moments.
Posted by Reiki Life Staff at 02:05 0 comments
Reiki at the Aesthetic and Wellness Show “Aestetica 2010”
As every year, the Italian Training Centre for Reiki Operators offered its contribution to AIOB (Italian Association of Wellness Operators) during the most representative wellness show occurring in Southern Italy. Through its operators, our Centre gave the several visitors who went at the Oltremare Exhibition Space in Naples a chance to know and try Reiki. It was really interesting to observe how people's look changed after Reiki treatment.
_Many people who didn't know the discipline grew curious about it and resulted to be ready to go deeper into the theme.
We are grateful to Daniela Lutrario, Gina Palmiero, Sabrina Zazzara and Imma Agrillo for their engagement and helpfulness.
Posted by Reiki Life Staff at 02:03 0 comments
Reiki Self-treatment: A great act of love
Nowadays, we use the word “love” in a very easy and simple way, but it's often hard to experience and understand its deep meaning, especially if we are to refer it to ourselves. Daily life would be really lighter if everyone directed towards him/herself an immense source of love, able to put him/her in an indissoluble relation with people around him/her, in order to experience, in a very tangible way, the self as an infinitesimal spark of Universe that links to other sparks to create the Great Light or Energy of life.
With regards to this simple but profound idea, today we'll go deep into the description of one of the most important acts of love every Reiki operator is pleased to experience: the Reiki Self-treatment.
First of all, it's very hard to carve out some spare time to devote to ourselves, in a society absorbing everyone in the frenzy of life: finding ourselves in the garden of soul, sprung up on peace, tranquillity and listening, beyond any external judgement, brings us to accept ourselves, in our very essence.
It's not a simple resolution, I would say, indeed, Reiki path is rather a choice where Self-treatment is one of the essential moments of healthy growth, in which Pure Universal Energy instils itself into the Self, spreading and healing where it's necessary. Here, in this essential act of love, we experience ourselves eluding mental patterns, guilt and inadequacy feelings, human limits, accepting what we are and encountering the Divine Love Spark, a precious and silent pearl, wrapped into the inner essence of everyone of us.
In fact, it's just experiencing God in ourselves that we learn to love ourselves, and therefore we can direct outbound, that is, toward the others, true love and sincere respect.
During  Reiki Self-treatment, keeping in touch with ourselves stimulates the growth of our self-reliance, self-expression and respect for ourselves.
All that leads to the advance of awareness processes, that strengthen the organism in general and accelerate the healing processes everyone needs.
It's a unique and essential experience we wish everybody will do, even because it gives us the chance to help ourselves when we feel bad, to do an act of prevention and relaxation when we feel good, and find mental, emotional and spiritual harmony with the wonderful world in which we play an active role of love!!!
A cosmic hug of love.

martedì 18 maggio 2010

Reiki Revealed e-book Video

New Video From the voice of the author the introduction taken form the new Reiki E-Book Reiki Revealed. Claim some free pages of the book by sending a Mail to

domenica 16 maggio 2010

Another part of the book from the appendix 1 " What is energy?"


appendix I – what is energy?

Conversation between a student and his Master

Student: Master, what is after all this energy that heals?

Master: The energy is the source of our life and has always existed and will always exist. In fact, you cannot produce it or destroy it but only transform it. You see, in the latest analysis the energy brings with it the solutions to all the problems that along our path we have the joy to meet. We often think that the solution to a problem is the removal of it, but believe me, to think of destroying or removing a problem is pure illusion as in reality it can only be transformed.

Everything that we perceive and see is nothing but a front behind which we hide something more significant and more essential. Only if you are able to go beyond appearance it will be possible to understand the logic of the chaos. In chaos everything has been created to uniform a universal order in which each of us has our place of belonging. Everything is already predisposed in a way that the universal plan does not remain static but it is an image in eternal transformation and evolution.

Going back to the question, I want to ask you now if what pushes you to ask me your questions is in reality the need to grow, to understand and to evolve. Well, so when you talk about growth, what is that invisible force that pushes you to grow? Observe the nature and you will find all the answers about energy, or more simply look inside yourself and observe what you have become. Go back over the stages of your existence and try to understand how the inside of you has changed but, a more important thing, try to understand what has made you grow and evolve. If you observe properly you will understand what after all is the energy.

We are energy in continuous transformation. We are chickens coming from a unique source and we all have a unique and same purpose. “ to evolve in full awareness of our true nature”. You see, if you enter in the universal flow of this energy, also in your daily life everything will start to flow in a natural way. We are all canals for this energy and so it is not a privilege for a few. But, only a few, have the privilege to be aware of it. The energy hides behind everything that we do and without it we would not be here now. Without it I would not be able to speak to you and tell you what I am telling you and what I am about to tell you, but the real obstacle in the understanding of this vital phenomenon is the mind.

We always try to divide to understand and to analyze always in smaller parts to see more clearly. If we want to understand the totality, it is necessary to abandon the means of reasoning because, when we utilize this means, we can only have a partial and distorted understanding of something that, instead, needs to be understood in its integrity without mediations from our analytical mind. The great effort that we have to make is to take a jump in the dark and enter into a zone where we cannot anchor our mind, but only our heart, And it is from there that we can draw the courage to see things in another prospective, a prospective where the dual becomes global, unique and essential.

This is how the energy heals when it is able to stimulate the union where before there was division. Observe what is divided in you, draw on the energy, that rules everything, to create in you unity and wait and see lots of miracles of healing and transformation. Then and only then you will really understand what is after all the energy.

Here a part of the book from the introduction "What is Reiki?"

To write something about Reiki today is not so difficult. In fact, lots of books have been written and there are lots of sites on the topic. It becomes more difficult to write something new.

Before writing this introduction about this beautiful art I asked myself, “but in truth deep down what is Reiki then?”

You know, it is not easy to describe something that should be lived in first person. I think it is necessary to experience things personally as the problems usually arise out of what are expectations are when faced with something new. I bet you have already read a book about Reiki or a friend spoke to you about it and just by chance you found yourself surfing the net and found a site about Reiki or this is the first time you have heard about Reiki and you may already have preconceived ideas.

The truth is that everyone in the universe is unique Therefore the way we see and feel things is different for each one of us. What I am writing is, in fact, the result of twenty years of personal experience with Reiki and exactly for this reason I ask you not to believe me, but to verify for yourselves, so that one day you will be able to describe your own experience.

Reiki for me is life and, as such, it is not definable in words as they are limited. This would also make the concept where it derives from limited and limiting. Reiki is in constant evolution, just like life, and so it is adaptable to all the circumstances we come into contact with. If it is in contact with me, it adapts to my peculiarities, just like it has done in my life. It is exactly in this way that Reiki transforms us and at the same time we transform it.

Once it becomes part of lives, it will surprise you, for its ability and intelligence, and how it will know, always with renewed emphasis, to create situations that will make you look into yourselves. To investigate yourselves, scrutinize yourselves and transform yourselves until you are moulded and completely renewed and along with you also the environment you live in. Only like this will it be possible for you to reach the evolution, growth and healing. Reiki is fully aware of this, but it needs your help and action to do this, it certainly cannot force you to do anything.

Reiki: universal vital energy; You see, the actual word explains to us what Reiki is. Reiki is energy that moves. Reiki is energy that makes evolution possible, the growth of things, the growth of the same life that it is impregnated into.

Reiki is universal energy because there is life in everything, even in things that seem apparently lifeless. This is why giving or receiving Reiki means to get into contact with the source where we all come from and it also means going into the life cycle.

Reiki brings about transformation by leading you to be in resonance with your sound of life, which is unique for each of us and is often ignored. Each of us has, in fact, a particular sound or frequency or energetic code that distinguishes us from others. To enter into contact with this sound is often very difficult because we tend to project it out of ourselves.

Taking the initiation in Reiki symbolically means “beginning a new action” or changing route and starting from scratch something that maybe we did against our nature. Turning to Reiki channels means opening the door to yourselves and embrace yourself after a long exile.

We discover along this path that we all have the potential to be happy. The greatest awareness is that we already possess the means to be so. “Where ever you go, you are already there”. This very beautiful phrase, taken from a book, illuminates and guides us because it is not necessary to go to a place to find happiness because it is already naturally present within us.

Reiki is therefore a journey of growth. Not of the ego or of the body. On the contrary, it is a journey of growth of the awareness of the fact that we are all waves in a immense ocean of love.

The history and the techniques are certainly important but not indispensible. To do Reiki it is simply necessary to open yourself up to life, and above all, to yourself. This is why I hope you will meet up with Reiki at some time in your life so that you can have direct experience in a way that the next time it will be you writing something new and different about this ancient art Reiki.

I would like to finish by wishing you good luck with reading this book.

Graziano Scarascia


I tried to write something new that was not already present in many published reiki books. It 'a tribute to a discipline that gave me a lot of satisfactions and personal development. Reiki has made me the artist of myself, managing to bring out my true creative nature. I hope that the text can be of help to those who, me, through Reiki, travels along the path of self-knowledge. My hope is the book will be helpful and interesting for those who love reiki. a book for all beginners and experts. Hope really you will enjoy it.
You can find the book on Ebay. He will be send in PDF file to your e-mail Box.

mercoledì 3 febbraio 2010

The five Reiki principles taught by Usui

Just for today, do not be angry
Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, be grateful
Just for today, work hard
Just for today, be kind to others

Mikao Usui believed that in order for anyone to practice Reiki and transfer healing energy to others, they must have first taken responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. He developed five principles which he taught to his students as strategies to apply to life. Here thety are as he defined them:

Just for today, do not be angry.

Anger can be a vast destructive force; it hurts others as well as ourselves. Anger closes us off from love and compassion.

Try to detach yourself from situations you feel are engendering any feelings of anger; do not just suppress the feeling for it to return another time. Anger will create a massive leak of the vital energy force from our systems.

Constantly remind yourself that anger is not your real nature and as such it will pass, try to acknowledge it, witness it and then let it go forever.

Remember the opposite of anger is calmness.

Just for today, do not worry.

Worry, like anger, will also create another great vital energy leak. While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with perceived future events and happenings.

Although worry is not always a negative phenomenon, we should all disregard thoughts of future events and circumstances over which we have no ultimate control.

The source of worry is fear of change.

Just for today, be grateful.

We should all try to be grateful and show appreciation for the many blessings that can fill our lives, especially when times are difficult.

If we live in a state of gratitude, appreciating and giving thanks for the many blessings we have in our life, we can help transform negative attitudes and thoughts into positive ones.

When we are grateful for all that we have received, and when we believe that we will continue to receive these things, then we will attract abundance.

Just for today, work hard.

We should all work to the best of our ability each day. There is no job that is too humble that it does not require our full effort.

Through work we learn and grow. Our whole day should be filled with an effort to work hard and honestly at all we do.

Devotion will grow through working hard.

Just for today, be kind to others.

We should all try to show kindness to our fellow men. We must honor all living things and be tolerant of the way others choose to live their lives.

It is important that we realize and accept that being kind and friendly to everyone must include ourselves.

venerdì 29 gennaio 2010

ReikiLife academy weekly Reiki practice

Last Monday, January 25, the students of the ReikiLife Academy once again gathered for the weekly meeting, which on this occasion was based on the way Reiki degrees are structured. Graziano Scarascia, Reiki Master and Founder of the ReikiLife Academy, provided a simple, yet clear, explanation of the reasons and motives behind the student’s decision to the step from one Reiki degree to the next. He went on to say that, for instance, when making the decision to be initiated into the second degree, the student should not only have acquired and mastered the techniques of the first degree, but he should also have gathered a clear understanding of the symbolic meaning that each degree has. He also made it clear that the different degrees in Reiki are not about acquiring any special powers but instead they are about working on developing the skills required to use all the techniques and tools in a correct way. It is only through a consistent and frequent practice that the student may experience a balanced progress through the various degrees.

venerdì 22 gennaio 2010

Sho Ten Reiki

Master Graziano Scarascia esegue, durante il tirocinio Reiki che si svolge il lunedi sera dalle ore 20.30, la tecnica base di 1° livello Sho Ten Reiki.
Sho Ten Reiki è un sistema non tradizionale di Reiki ideato dal M° Graziano Scarascia frutto della sua 20ennale esperienza con il Reiki. Lo ringraziamo per la sua condivisione.
Staff ReikiLife

mercoledì 20 gennaio 2010

1 ° and 2° level Raku Kai Reiki attunement

ReikiLife 1 ° and 2° level Raku Kai Reiki attunement at the Arcadia Beauty Farm in Naples.
ReikiLife Cifor Monday evening Master Graziano Scarascia held a at the ReikiLife HQ a technical demonstration of how to practice the BYOSEN tecnique. He also explained how and why this tecnique had a transformation and how Byosen was adabted in the occidental way to practice Reiki. It was very interesting to observe how he was able trough Byosen to find exactly where the KI-Chi was bloked in the person he treated. As well during the evening he demonstrated various exercise to perceive Ki-Chi trough hands.

giovedì 14 gennaio 2010

Sho Ten Reiki 2°level practice

Monday evening 20.30 at the ReikiLife HQ of Caserta was held the weekly Reiki Training where the second level students practiced the Sho Ten 2° level tecnics

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